Wombat: Only Animal To Produce Cubic Poop

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Wombats are stout, muscular marsupials native to Australia and the only known animals that produce cube-shaped poop

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The wombat has a large, blunt head, small eyes and ears, a short muscular neck, and sharp claws

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The wombat is sandy brown or grayish black in colour, which helps it blend in with its surroundings

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Wombats can grow up to 1.3 meters long and weigh up to 36 kg

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Wombats have two types of intestine walls that work together to form the unusual cubic poop

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The cubes are less likely to roll away when wombats mark their territory, researchers say

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Female wombats have a pouch that faces backwards to protect their young - called joeys - from dirt while they dig

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