World Health Day: Tips To Maintain Good Health

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7 April 2024

Taking care of your health is the most important thing you can do for yourself and your loved ones

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On the occasion of World Health Day, here are some tips to maintain a healthy lifestyle

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Measure and watch your weight. It can protect you from high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes

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Eat a balanced diet. Consume a variety of foods to get a range of nutrients to provide energy throughout the day

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Limit intake of highly processed foods like packaged and frozen foods, that typically have fewer nutrients but more calories, fat, salt, and added sugars

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Drink water and stay hydrated. It helps with improving digestion, increasing energy and improving heart health

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Our immune system and the quantity and quality of our sleep are connected. Getting 7-8 hours of sleep every night will help maintain a healthy immune system

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Exercise regularly. This can help with boosting your mood, building muscle and maintaining weight

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Maintaining a healthy lifestyle requires learning effective stress management techniques. Stress can be decreased by yoga, meditation and deep breathing

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