World's Bizarre And Rare Natural Phenomena

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28 June 2024

Our planet is a continual source of wonder. From towering mountains to vast oceans, Earth's landscapes inspire awe

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These 6 places showcase some of Earth's natural phenomena, from the Australia's bubblegum-pink lake to a blood-red waterfall in Antarctica

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Alberta Canada's Lake Abraham features frozen, trapped bubbles of methane. These bubbles form in water when bacteria feasts on leaves and animals in the water

Video: X/@gunsnrosesgirl3

Blood Falls, Antarctica: The crimson hue comes from iron-rich, salty water from an ancient lake trapped beneath the glacier

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Lake Hillier, Australia: This lake's bubblegum pink hue is a mystery scientists are still unraveling. Some theories point to the presence of specific bacteria or a combination of mineral elements

Image:  X/@mo4htar

Namibia's Fairy Circles are mysterious, barren patches in grasslands, surrounded by vegetation. Their origin remains unexplained

Video: X/fasc1nate

Playa del Amor, commonly known as the Hidden Beach can be found on the Marieta Islands in Mexico

Video: X/fasc1nate

Indonesia's Kawah Ijen volcano defies expectations.  While visitors anticipate a fiery spectacle, they are instead greeted by a breathtaking sight: a turquoise caldera lake nestled within the volcano's summit

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