World's Most Mysterious Buildings

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Vauxhall Cross, headquarters of Britain's Secret Intelligence Service  MI6 sits on the south bank of the Thames in London's Vauxhall area

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Located in Langley, Virginia, the headquarters of the Central Intelligence Agency is one of America's most secretive spaces

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The headquarters of Ministry of State Security in China is located east of the famed Summer Palace in Beijing's Haidian district

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Germany's Federal Intelligence Service (BND) operates within the world's largest intelligence headquarters in Berlin

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France's secret service, the Directorate-General for External Security (DGSE), is housed in the former Tourelles barracks on Boulevard Mortier in Paris

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In 2003, Britain's Government Communications Headquarters, a cyber security and intelligence agency, moved to a new home in the suburbs of Cheltenham, Gloucestershire

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Formerly known as the Vatican Secret Archives, the Vatican Apostolic Archives are set in the Cortile del Belvedere in Vatican City

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Located on a Norwegian archipelago in the Arctic Ocean, the Svalbard Global Seed Vault is a backup for genebanks worldwide

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