Your Car Might Be Exposing You To Cancer, Warns Study

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9 May 2024

People are breathing in cancer-causing chemicals when they're in their car, a new research has found

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The study, published in Environmental Science & Technology, examined cabin air from 101 electric, gas, and hybrid vehicles spanning model years 2015 to 2022

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Alarmingly, 99% of the cars tested positive for TCIPP, a flame retardant currently being investigated by the US National Toxicology Program as a potential carcinogen

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Additionally, the majority of vehicles also contained two more flame retardants, TDCIPP and TCEP, both known to be carcinogenic

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These flame retardants are linked to neurological and reproductive harms as well, researchers said

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The study found that the levels of toxic flame retardants were highest in the summer as heat increases the release of chemicals from the car materials

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Researchers identified seat foam as the primary source of cancer-causing compounds in the cabin air

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Car manufacturers add the chemicals to seat foam and other materials to meet an "outdated" flammability standard with no proven fire-safety benefit, study said

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Researchers insisted that these toxic flame retardants serve no real benefit inside vehicles

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People might be able to reduce their exposure to toxic flame retardants by opening car windows and parking in the shade or in garages, per the study

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