Zorilla: One Of World's Smelliest Animal

By: EjazUlHaqBhat

Image: X/@Africatvl1

The zorilla, also known as the striped weasel or striped polecat, is one of the world's smelliest animals 

Image: X/@sherbetferret

This nocturnal mammal is known for the foul-smelling liquid it sprays from its anal glands to ward off predators

Image: X/@KweziSafaris

The zorilla's anal glands produce a sticky, foul-smelling liquid that smells like rotten eggs, burnt hair, and garbage

Image: X/@KweziSafaris

The zorilla can spray this fluid as far as 13 feet away. The spray can make a predator so sick that it's likely to vomit

Image: X/@KweziSafaris

It's found in dry regions of Africa. It has thick fur with black and white markings 

Image: X/@KweziSafaris

It lives in rocky crevices. It hunts by night, feeding on small reptiles and rodents 

Image: X/@FPanuello

It has a slender body, and is about 29-39 cm long with a bushy white tail that can be 21-31 cm long 

Image: X/@NaavaNabagesera

The zorilla may look like a skunk. But this striped, African weasel is a distinct species

Image: X/@JoeGenuis

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