5 Closest Elections In US Presidential History

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Democrat nominee Kamala Harris will face off against Republican candidate and former president Donald Trump in the 2024 US presidential election on November 5

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Here are five US elections with the narrowest margins of victory

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In the 1960 election, John F Kennedy won the popular vote by less than 120,000 votes out of the 68.8 million votes cast and received 303 electoral college votes to Richard Nixon's 219

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In 1880, James A Garfield managed to win by a mere 7,368 popular votes and 214 votes in the electoral college to Winfield Scott Hancock's 155

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In the 2000 US election, George W Bush won the electoral college with 271 votes to Al Gore's 266 but lost the popular vote by some 500,000

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In 1876, Rutherford B Hayes lost the popular vote to Samuel J Tilden by some 250,000 votes but won the electoral college by a single vote

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The 1824 election was long and difficult with John Quincy Adams ultimately emerging winner by a single vote in the House of Representatives against Andrew Jackson

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