Rare Bird Spotted In UK First Time In 40 Years

Rare Bird Spotted In UK: First In 40 Years

Have No Fear, Cats With Jobs Are Here

By: EjazUlHaqBhat

Image: Unsplash

Rare Bird Spotted In UK First Time In 40 Years

A rare bird has ruffled the feathers of birdwatchers in the UK after it was spotted for the first time in over 40 years

Have No Fear, Cats With Jobs Are Here

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Rare Bird Spotted In UK First Time In 40 Years

The scarlet tanager was on its way to South America before it was blown off course by a hurricane, reports said

Have No Fear, Cats With Jobs Are Here

Image: Unsplash

Rare Bird Spotted In UK First Time In 40 Years

The tiny yellow bird was seen in gardens in Shelf, West Yorkshire, and has created quite a stir

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This is the first time the bird has been seen in mainland UK since the 1980s, a report said

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The report said that people had flocked to the rural beauty spot to see the bird

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The scarlet tanager is a medium-sized, stocky songbird with a thick, rounded bill

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The American bird conservancy has described the scarlet tanager's song as "a robin with a cold"

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They are migratory birds that breed in eastern North America and winter in South America 

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