The JFK Assassination: An Unsolved Mystery?
By: EjazUlHaqBhat
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The assassination of John F Kennedy on November 22, 1963 remains one of the world's most enduring mysteries
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The declassification of 80,000 documents by the Donald Trump administration has revived many conspiracy theories
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A key revelation hints that a CIA faction may have been involved in Kennedy's assassination
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According to the declassified documents, the night after the assassination, intelligence officer J Garrett Underhill fled Washington in distress
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Underhill allegedly told a friend that a "small clique" within the CIA was responsible for Kennedy's assassination
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"[Lee Harvey] Oswald is a patsy," he allegedly said, insisting that the real perpetrators had "done something outrageous"
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Less than six months later, on May 8, 1964, Underhill was found dead months later in his Washington apartment with a gunshot wound to his head. His death was declared as suicide
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The documents fuel doubts about Lee Harvey Oswald's role. While the official record states that Oswald acted alone, inconsistencies remain
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The files also cite a man called Samuel George Cummings, an arms dealer with intelligence connections
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There's no direct link but Cummings' activities have raised questions about the events leading up to the JFK assassination
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Another enduring mystery is why Jack Ruby - a Dallas nightclub owner with reported ties to organised crime - shot Oswald two days after the assassination
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Ruby's trial and his subsequent death from cancer in custody have only deepened suspicions
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The "magic bullet" theory - that a single bullet hit both Kennedy and Texas Governor John Connally - is widely seen as implausible
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