This Article is From Jul 22, 2014

Unbecoming of Former Supreme Court Judge: Soli Sorabjee on Justice Katju's Allegations

Eminent jurists are now stressing on the need for judicial reform after sensational claims made by former Supreme Court judge Justice Markandey Katju about how an allegedly corrupt judge was allowed to continue in the Madras High Court 10 years ago after pressure on then Prime Minister Manmohan Singh from his ally, the DMK.
  • You can't ask questions to former Chief Justices of India. It is bringing down the institution. If he said need to relook at the collegium system or national judicial commission it is understandable.
    Soli Sorabjee, Former Attorney General
  • Justice Katju outburst not fair. It is also suspect as aiming for cheap publicity. Unbecoming of a dignitary who once sat as a Judge in the Supreme Court of India. But Katju's remarks are not untimely... Did they (former CJIs) or did they not buckle under pressure? The public needs to know.
    Fali Nariman, Senior Lawyer
  • The honourable judge has retired and is no more. The other judges have retired. The clock can't be put back. But yes, there's an imperative need to improve the system of apt of judges. Want a national judicial commission.
    Ravi Shankar Prasad, Law Minister
  • The then Law Minister (HR Bhardwaj) has said what he had to. I have nothing to add.
    Manmohan Singh, Former Prime Minister