This Article is From Dec 01, 2010

WikiLeaks: India cables on 26/11, tensions with Pakistan and more

WikiLeaks: India cables on 26/11, tensions with Pakistan and more
New Delhi: Among a quarter million secret US documents released by the whistle-blower website WikiLeaks, a total of 3,038 classified cables are from the American embassy in New Delhi. According to WikiLeaks there are as many as 5,087 records amongst the leaked cables that refer to India.

The cables, which date from 1966 up until the end of February this year, contain confidential communications between 274 embassies in countries throughout the world and the State Department in Washington DC. 15,652 of the cables are classified Secret.

The cables have revealed that President Zardari told the US ambassador that Nawaz Sharif's brother warned LET before the UN sanctions over 26/11, allowing it to empty bank accounts before the sanctions. (Read)

The cables reveal that diplomatic missions in New Delhi believed 26/11 attack was a major intelligence failure, and said "...there was no clear evidence after 26/11 to suggest an ISI link."(Read: What diplomats in Delhi said after 26/11) | (Read: Pakistan's reactions on 26/11)

And another secret US cable dated as recently as February 22 this year says Pakistani authorities had told US officials that 26/11 suspect David Headley's statements to American investigative agencies would  be treated as "hearsay with little evidential" value in Pak courts.

In another cable, on February 16, 2010, US Ambassador in Delhi Tim Roemer tells Washington, "The Indian Army's "Cold Start Doctrine" is a mixture of myth and reality. It's never been and may never be put to use on a battlefield because of substantial and serious resource constraints." It goes on to call the army slow and lumbering, and unable to attack with an element of surprise. (Read: Cold-Start doctrine - a mixture of myth and reality)