This Article is From Oct 22, 2010

1000-year-old mummies found in Peru

Lima, Peru: Peruvian archaeologists have unearthed four perfectly preserved mummies at an ancient burial site in the capital city, Lima.

The mummies are more than 1000 years old and were found at the Huaca Pucllana - a pre Inca temple.

Due to its central location, tomb looters have been stealing all sorts of archaeological treasures from the temple for centuries.

So for Peruvian archaeologist, Gladdys Paz, it was a pleasant surprise when she found a tomb with a perfectly preserved roof.

Inside were four mummies - a main figure and three smaller ones which had lain there untouched for more than 11 centuries.

Paz says the four mummies must now undergo numerous tests to determine their sex, age and the way they died.

Pieces of rich clothing, ceramics and other things including an ancient knitting kit were also found at the tomb.

Work has been on at this site for more than five years during which archaeologists have excavated 62 tombs, all of them previously looted.

The Wari who lived from 700AD to 1000 AD were warriors who moved from the mountains towards the Peruvian coast eventually conquering most of Peru including what is now Lima.

The Pucllana temple was their main burial site - used only for their elite.

After they were conquered by the Incas, the site was never reused.
