This Article is From Nov 22, 2012

12 rockets hit Israel after truce: police

Jerusalem: Twelve rockets fired from the Gaza Strip hit Israel in the first hours that followed a ceasefire agreement ending hostilities in the week-long Gaza conflict, a police spokesman has said.

The Israeli spokesman told AFP that Wednesday's attacks caused no injuries or damage, with the rockets mostly landing in open fields in the south of the Jewish state.

A ceasefire agreement announced in Cairo on Wednesday went into effect at 1900 GMT, requiring both sides to halt fire immediately and for Israel to start opening Gaza's crossings if the truce holds for 24 hours.

The Israeli defence forces said a total of 915 rockets had hit Israel since the start of the conflict on November 14, most of the them landing in southern Israel.

Another 429 rockets were intercepted by the Iron Dome air defence system that Israel acquired from the United States.

The strikes killed five Israelis, including a soldier. At least 155 Palestinians were killed by the Israeli bombardmentthat came to a halt on yesterday night. 