This Article is From Nov 06, 2020

US Election Results 2020 LIVE: Joe Biden Inches Towards White House With Wisconsin, Michigan Wins

US Election 2020 Results LIVE Updates: By flipping the northern battlegrounds of Michigan and Wisconsin, and also winning formerly pro-Trump Arizona, Biden reached 264 electoral votes against 214 so far for Trump.

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US Election 2020 Results: The US will choose between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. (File)

New Delhi:

As Joe Biden amassed small but stable leads in critical states that edged him closer on Wednesday to winning the presidency, President Trump and Republicans threatened legal challenges as they sought to shift the battle for the White House from the ballot box to the courts, The Washington Post reported.

The knife-edge US presidential race tilted toward Democrat Joe Biden early Thursday, with wins in Michigan and Wisconsin bringing him close to a majority, but President Donald Trump claimed he was being cheated and went to court to try and stop vote counting.

Tallying of votes continued through a second night in the remaining battleground states where huge turnout and a mountain of mail-in ballots sent by voters trying to avoid exposure to the coronavirus made the job all the harder.

Both candidates still had paths to winning the White House by hitting the magic majority threshold of 270 of the electoral votes awarded to whichever candidate wins the popular vote in a given state.

But momentum moved to Joe Biden, who made a televised speech from his hometown of Wilmington, Delaware to say that "when the count is finished, we believe we will be the winners."

By flipping the northern battlegrounds of Michigan and Wisconsin, and also winning formerly pro-Trump Arizona, Biden reached 264 electoral votes against 214 so far for Trump.

To reach 270 he was hoping next to add the six electoral votes from Nevada, where he had a small and shrinking lead, or, even better, the larger prizes of hard-fought Georgia or Pennsylvania.

More than 100 million Americans cast their ballots in advance of Tuesday's Election Day, according to the US Elections Project watchdog, a record figure largely attributed to the COVID-19 pandemic, reported news agency AFP.

Here are the Live Updates on US Presidential Election Results 2020:

Nov 06, 2020 07:03 (IST)
Nov 06, 2020 06:57 (IST)
Trump falsely claims election being "stolen"

With his re-election chances fading as more votes are counted in a handful of battleground states, US President Donald Trump launched an extraordinary assault on the country's democratic process from the White House on Thursday, falsely claiming the election was being "stolen" from him.

Offering no evidence, Trump lambasted election workers and alleged fraud in the states where results from a dwindling set of uncounted votes are pushing Democrat Joe Biden nearer to victory.

"This is a case where they're trying to steal an election," Trump said.

Several news networks cut away from the president, who spoke for about 15 minutes in the White House briefing room before leaving without taking questions.
Nov 06, 2020 06:21 (IST)
"No one is going to take our democracy away": Joe Biden
Nov 06, 2020 06:06 (IST)
Trump lawsuits unlikely to impact outcome of US election, experts say

US President Donald Trump called in his lawyers to shore up his dimming re-election prospects, but legal experts said the flurry of lawsuits had little chance of changing the outcome but might cast doubt on the process.

As Trump's paths to victory narrowed, his campaign was ramping up legal challenges and said it was planning to file its latest case in Nevada.

On Wednesday, the campaign sued in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia and asked to join a pending case at the US Supreme Court.

Experts said the litigation serves to drag out the vote count and postpone major media from declaring Biden the victor, which would have dire political implications for Trump.
Nov 06, 2020 05:37 (IST)
Detroit, Philadelphia can't be responsible for deciding outcome: Trump

Donald Trump says: "Detroit and Philadelphia, two of the most politically corrupt place in America, cannot be responsible for deciding the outcome of this race."
Nov 06, 2020 05:31 (IST)
Votes should have been in by Election Day: Trump

"Votes are coming in after Election Day. To the best of my knowledge, votes should be in by Election Day," says Donald Trump.
Nov 06, 2020 05:26 (IST)
Trump claims would win unless Democrats "steal" election

Trump says he won't allow corruption to "steal" this election. "Can't allow anyone to silence our voters."
Nov 06, 2020 05:25 (IST)
Year of Republican women: Trump

"This was the year of the Republican women, more women elected than ever before in US Congress," says Donald Trump, adding that this election also saw the largest non-white voters.
Nov 06, 2020 05:23 (IST)
If you count legal votes, I easily win: Donald Trump

Donald Trump says: "I've already decisively won massive states... There was no blue wave, in fact there was a big red wave."
Nov 06, 2020 05:07 (IST)
The people will not be silenced: Joe Biden
Nov 06, 2020 04:51 (IST)
Trump to deliver statement from White House soon

US President Donald Trump will deliver remarks from the White House, a spokesman said, in what would be the US leader's first televised appearance since election night.

Trump's statement is scheduled for 6:30 pm (5 am IST), and comes as the president and his Democratic challenger Joe Biden await results from the remaining undecided states including Pennsylvania, Georgia and Nevada that will determine the election winner.
Nov 06, 2020 04:38 (IST)
Nov 06, 2020 04:24 (IST)
Nov 06, 2020 04:05 (IST)
Record spending on 2020 campaigns fueled by polarised anger

America's 2020 campaigns cost some $14 billion, a record sum showing that parties are increasingly willing to spend big on races to express visceral opposition to their rivals -- even when their chances are slim.

The enormous cost of this year's presidential and legislative elections is nearly double the cost of 2016's races, and more than triple those of 2000, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, a non-partisan research group that tracks money in politics.

The Democrats in particular lost some costly wagers this year.
Nov 06, 2020 03:29 (IST)
US Presidential Election 2020: Joe Biden Says No Doubt We Will Be Declared Winners
US Democrat Joe Biden said Thursday he has "no doubt" he will defeat President Donald Trump and be declared winner of the US election, insisting that voters remain patient and that the result will be known "very soon".
Nov 06, 2020 03:15 (IST)
Judge orders twice daily sweeps for states still receiving ballots

A judge ordered twice daily sweeps at US Postal Service (USPS) facilities serving states with extended ballot receipt deadlines as votes were still being counted in US election battleground states.

Some states, including still undecided Nevada and North Carolina, are counting ballots that are received after Election Day Tuesday. Plaintiffs lawyers in a lawsuit said the Postal Service delivered roughly 150,000 ballots nationwide on Wednesday. Of those, roughly 8,000 or 9,000, were delivered after Tuesday even though they had been mailed by Sunday.

US District Judge Emmet Sullivan said the processing centers must perform morning sweeps and then afternoon sweeps "to ensure that any identified local ballots can be delivered that day."
Nov 06, 2020 02:52 (IST)
Nov 06, 2020 02:27 (IST)
Pennsylvania could be decided soon, says official 

Pennsylvania could finalize its election vote count as early as Thursday, a senior official in the pivotal battleground said, with Democrat Joe Biden winning the White House if the state's votes go his way.

Biden leads President Donald Trump in the all-important electoral vote count that determines the winner of the election, and prevailing in Pennsylvania would put the challenger over the magic threshold of 270 electoral votes needed to win -- regardless of the outcome in other states yet to be called.

"I think we definitely could" know a winner in Pennsylvania by Thursday, the state's Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar told CNN.
Nov 06, 2020 02:04 (IST)
Trump vows Nevada lawsuit after losing legal fights in Georgia and Michigan 

US President Donald Trump's campaign lost court rulings in the closely-contested states of Georgia and Michigan on Thursday, even as it vowed to bring a new lawsuit challenging what it called voting irregularities in Nevada.

In the Georgia case, the campaign alleged 53 late-arriving ballots were mixed with on-time ballots. In Michigan, it had sought to stop votes from being counted and obtain greater access to the tabulation process.

State judges tossed out both the suits on Thursday.

Judge James Bass, a superior court judge in Georgia, said there was "no evidence" that the ballots in question were invalid.
Nov 06, 2020 01:33 (IST)
International Observer Mission To US Elections Accuses Donald Trump Of Gross Abuse Of Office
The head of an international observer mission to the US elections accused Donald Trump on Thursday of a "gross abuse of office" after the president alleged he was being cheated and demanded that vote counting be halted.
