This Article is From Dec 09, 2016

400 Migrants Storm North African Border Fence: Spain


Most migrants who try to cross are intercepted on the spot and returned to Morocco (Representational)

Madrid: Some 400 migrants from Africa stormed a border fence to enter Spain's North African enclave of Ceuta from Morocco on Friday, the Spanish Interior Ministry said.

A ministry official in the city said two police officers and three migrants suffered cuts and bruises in the early morning crossing.

It was not clear how many managed to get over the fence and past police but Interior Minister Juan Ignacio Zoido told reporters in Brussels that most of had been intercepted.

Television video images showed many migrants celebrating and giving victory signs on having made it across. The videos also showed several migrants with cuts and Spanish Red Cross workers treating those in need of help.

Hundreds of sub-Saharan African migrants living illegally in Morocco try to enter Ceuta and Spain's other North African enclave city of Melilla each year, hoping to reach a better life in Europe. Both cities have six-meter (20-foot) -high border wire fences separating them from Morocco.

Most migrants who try to cross are intercepted on the spot and returned to Morocco. Those that make it over the fences head for temporary migrant accommodation centers. They are eventually repatriated or let go.

The official spoke on condition of anonymity in keeping with ministry regulations.