This Article is From Oct 20, 2009

5 killed in twin suicide blasts in Pak university

5 killed in twin suicide blasts in Pak university

AFP image

Islamabad: Two suicide bombers blew themselves up near-simultaneously at a prestigious Islamic university in the Pakistani capital on Tuesday, killing at least five people and injuring over 40, the latest in a series of deadly terror attacks that have rocked the country.

The blasts occurred at the male and female campuses of the International Islamic University, considered one of the world's leading centres for studies in Islamic law, thought and history.

The first suicide bomber blew himself up at the cafeteria in the women's campus, killing a student and an employee of the university, witnesses said. They said they had seen parts of the bomber's body stuck to the ceiling of the cafeteria.

The second bomber struck about five minutes later in the Shariah block of the male campus while a lecture was underway. Witnesses said three persons were killed in this explosion.

The two blasts also left over 40 people injured.

Wasim Khwaja, a doctor at the state-run Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences, said the hospital had received two legs and a head. It is believed they belonged to one of the suicide attackers.