This Article is From Jun 07, 2012

Afghan president: NATO airstrike killed 18 civilians

Kabul: Afghan president Hamid Karzai said on Thursday that the 18 people killed in a NATO airstrike in eastern Afghanistan on Wednesday were all civilians.

NATO has so far said it has no records of civilian deaths from the pre-dawn strike on a house in Logar province. The NATO and Afghan troops were going after a local Taliban leader when the international coalition says they came under fire and called in an airstrike on  Wednesday.

"This is unacceptable. It cannot be tolerated," President Karzai said in a statement condemning the strike in Logar. He criticised NATO for not being able to provide an explanation for the vans piled with bodies of women and children that villagers displayed to reporters. Mr Karzai's office said the president had spoken to a man who was related to some of the victims and had promised a thorough investigation and that those responsible would face justice.

NATO confirmed only militant deaths from Wednesday's strike but sent an assessment team to investigate allegations that civilians were killed either alongside or instead of insurgents.

"The reason this team has been dispatched down there is because there is such a discrepancy between what our operational reporting indicates and what Afghan officials on the ground are saying happened," said Major Martyn Crighton, a spokesman for the NATO force in Afghanistan.

Villagers displayed 18 bodies at the provincial capital on Wednesday, including five women, seven children and six men. Afghan officials said then that some or all of the dead men were militants. Since no government officials have visited the site of the attack, it was not clear if there might also be additional dead.

Wednesday was a particularly deadly day for Afghanistan as a trio of suicide bombers killed 22 people in the busy marketplace of Kandahar city.

Mr Karzai said in the statement that he was cutting short his trip to China because of the attacks in Logar and Kandahar. He was expected back in Kabul on Friday, said Syamak Herawi, a spokesman for the president.

Mr Karzai's condemnation of the strike and NATO's treatment of it served as a reminder of the ongoing tension between Afghanistan and its Western allies as US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta visited Kabul.

Nighttime raids on militants taking cover in villages have been a repeated source of strain between the Afghan government, which says the raids put civilians in the crossfire, and its international allies, who say such operations are key to capturing and killing insurgent leaders.

A deal signed in April was supposed to resolve the issue by putting the Afghan government in charge of such operations. But Mr Karzai's statement put all the responsibility for Wednesday's strike on NATO.

The conflicting reports of the raid in Baraki Barak district also show the confusion and strife that continue to surround these raids despite the document signed in Kabul. Villagers said that the airstrike hit a house where a number of families had come in from out of town for a wedding party. Afghan police said it was a gathering of militant leaders in the area who had holed up in a village house for the night.

Mr Panetta told reporters that he was using his trip to Afghanistan - his fourth to the war zone - to take stock of progress in the war and discuss plans for the troop drawdown. But in a press conference with reporters he focused more on neighbouring Pakistan, saying American officials are "reaching the limits of our patience" with the Pakistani government and that the Pakistanis need to do more to root out the Al Qaeda-linked Haqqani terrorist network.

Mr Panetta's explicit and repeated criticism of Pakistan's inaction, which he also voiced in his visit to India, appeared to signal a somewhat tougher stance and a suggestion that the US is becoming even more willing and quick to strike terrorist targets inside Pakistan.
