This Article is From Oct 04, 2011

After bear entered his home, he needed 70 stitches

Newport, Pennsylvania: A man attacked by a bear inside his central Pennsylvania home says it took 70 stitches and staples to close the gaping wound on the back of his head.

It all happened after the bear followed his dog into his home early Monday morning.

Rich Moyer told reporters the attack was a "nightmare" that ended only when the bear ran off.

The 6-foot-6, 300-pound Moyer says the bear leapt on him as he let his dog in around 3 a.m. His wife tried to help but was knocked to the ground. Moyer jumped back into the fray and felt the bear tearing into his scalp.

He jokes that he knows "what it's like to be a salmon now."

Pennsylvania Game Commission officials say the bear may have been protecting cubs.