This Article is From Jul 19, 2013

American woman killed by 'mentally ill' Chinese man

Beijing: An American woman and a local person were killed by a machete-wielding Chinese man in front of hundreds of people outside a mall.

The attack, which unnerved the large foreign community took place outside a shopping mall in the Chaoyang District on Wednesday.

Hundreds of bystanders witnessed the incident, state-run Xinhua news agency reported.

An official spokesman said police apprehended the suspect, a 27-year-old man surnamed Xiao from east China's Shandong Province, on the spot after being alerted to the attack.

The suspect has claimed that he is mentally ill.

According to a preliminary police probe, the unemployed man arrived in Beijing at the beginning of June.

He told police that he "always felt that he was looked down on by others."

Beijing police have contacted their counterparts in the suspect's home province in order to obtain more information about the man's medical history.

No information on the man's motive for the crime was immediately available.