This Article is From Jun 13, 2014

Astronauts Send World Cup Best Wishes From Space Station


Astronauts Steve Swanson, left, Reid Wiseman, right, and German astronaut Alexander Gerst, center, kick around a soccer ball some 230 miles above Earth aboard the International Space Station.

Berlin, Germany: The six-member crew on the International Space Station may be busy conducting scientific experiments out there on the final frontier. Even astronauts will be taking some downtime to watch the action in Brazil.

In a video message from orbit, German crew member Alexander Gerst wished all teams and fans in Brazil "peaceful games."

His American colleague Reid Wiseman added: "Have fun, play hard, and we'll be watching on the International Space Station."

Gerst, Wiseman and station commander Steve Swanson of NASA also showed off their football skills in low gravity, displaying some impressive feats in the video that players down on Earth might be envious of.

Along with the German and two Americans, there are three Russians on the space station right now: All their countries are represented at the World Cup.
