This Article is From Dec 09, 2010

Australia: Rally in support of WikiLeaks founder

A rally in support of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been called for today in Brisbane Square in Australia.

Jessica Payne, a member of Socialist Alternative who is organising the rally, said the Australian government must  not join the chorus of world leaders "demanding Assange's head on a plate".

"His crime is simply that he has published the comments and  thoughts of some of the most powerful people in the world," she said.

"Even the Prime Minister could not come up with a charge against Assange.This is an attack on freedom of speech and us as citizens, our right to know what our rulers and elected representatives are up to," she added.

Last week Australian PM Julia Gillard condemned the cablegate.

There is another rally scheduled for Friday, on International Human Rights Day, outside the Foreign Affairs offices.

The lawyer who defended Doctor Mahomed Haneef against spurious terrorism charges Peter Russo will be one of the people protesting in support of Julian Assange on Friday.

Assange has been denied bail in London after his arrest on a Swedish warrant for suspected sex crimes charges he denies. (With PTI Inputs)