This Article is From Dec 05, 2015

Ben Carson Says California Shootings End Refugee Debate

Ben Carson Says California Shootings End Refugee Debate

File photo of Ben Carson

Phoenix: Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson said Friday that this week's mass shooting in Southern California should end the debate over whether Syrian refugees can safely be screened.

The retired neurosurgeon told a pro-business group made of lawmakers from across the nation that if it turns out the woman involved was fully vetted by federal officials and cleared to enter the U.S. it should help end the refugee debate.

"Now if that vetting resulted in missing someone who carried out such a horrendous crime that should be the end of the argument right there," Carson said.

The FBI said Friday that it is investigating the shooting in San Bernardino, California as an act of terrorism. A U.S. law enforcement official said the woman who helped her husband carry out the attack had pledged allegiance to the Islamic State group and its leader on Facebook under an alias.

Syed Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik, killed 14 people at the holiday party for his co-workers. The Muslim couple died hours later in a fierce gun battle with police.

Carson, a political newcomer who has cast himself as an outsider, made his comments to the American Legislative Exchange Council as he tries to burnish his foreign policy credentials amid slipping national poll numbers.
