This Article is From Apr 20, 2013

Boston marathon bomb suspect was on campus this week, say classmates


Students stand outside the Pine Dale Hall dormitory that Dzhokhar Tsamaev lived in

Dartmouth, Massachusetts : Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was seen on his university campus this week after Monday's deadly explosions, classmates told The Associated Press on Friday.

The University of Massachusetts Dartmouth evacuated its campus after confirming that Tsarnaev, who was taken into custody on Friday evening after a shootout with police overnight that killed his brother, is a registered student there.

Robert Lamontagne, a university spokesman, declined to give details. He would not immediately say when Tsarnaev enrolled, what he was studying or whether he lived on campus.

Students said Tsarnaev lived in a dormitory. Harry Danso, who lives on the same floor, told the AP he saw him in a dorm hallway this week.

"He was regular, he was calm," said Danso, who described Tsarnaev as a quiet kid who sometimes would ask him for a homework assignment.

Sonia Ribeiro, 19, was in a philosophy class with Tsarnaev. She said he was on campus this week, but not in class.

"He was laid back. I would never expect this at all from him," she said.

Law enforcement officials and family members said Dzhokhar and his older brother, Tamerlan, were ethnic Chechen brothers who had lived in the Dagestan region in southern Russia.

Florida Addy, 19, lived on the same dormitory floor as Dzhokhar last year. She called him "drug" - the Russian word for friend, pronounced "droog" - and said they would sometimes hang out together in his room.

She said he spent a lot of time with other kids from Russia and that a few times she accompanied him to the apartment of some Russian students he knew not far from campus. She said he would always speak Russian in the apartment, although he usually didn't speak it around her.

He was quiet, friendly and a little mysterious, but in a charming way, she said.

Addy said the last time she saw him was last week, when she bummed a cigarette off him.

"He was nice. He was cool. I'm just in shock," she said.