This Article is From Jun 21, 2012

Breivik tells Norway court of his own 'trauma'


Anders Behring Breivik

Oslo: Anders Behring Breivik, on trial for killing 77 people in Norway last year, stunned the Oslo courtroom on Wednesday when he drew a parallel between his own "trauma" and that he inflicted on the victims' families.

After hearing two psychologists describe the devastating effects the July 22 twin attacks have had on survivors and families of the victims, Breivik said it was "a shame they didn't talk about the trauma of seeing your ethnic culture and religion being taken away and not being able to do anything about it".

"It's traumatising to see your sisters raped by Muslims and your brothers beaten up," he said after he was given permission to address the court.

"This matter concerns the future of Norway and Europe. It's traumatising to be labelled a rightwing extremist" and to be "demonised", he said, ignoring the objections of chief judge Wenche Elizabeth Arntzen.

Breivik's comments prompted murmurs in the courtroom, where families of the victims were seated, some of whom chose to leave.

The trial has largely focused on determining whether or not he is criminally sane, as psychiatric evaluations of the 33-year-old rightwing extremist have sharply contradicted each other.

Breivik himself wants to be found sane -- even though he would face a long prison sentence -- in order to ensure that his Islamophobic ideology is not written off as the ravings of a lunatic.

If he is found insane he will be sent to a psychiatric ward.

Prosecutors are to present their closing arguments on Thursday, to be followed by those of the defence on Friday.

The verdict is expected on either July 20 or August 24.