This Article is From Mar 28, 2013

BRICS deplores casualties in Central African Republic

Durban: The Durban Summit of BRICS nations today expressed grave concern over the deterioration of the situation in Central African Republic (CAR) and deplored the loss of lives including that of an Indian in the hostilities there.

"We are gravely concerned with the deterioration in the current situation in the CAR and deplore the loss of life. We strongly condemn the abuses and acts of violence against the civilian population and urge all parties to the conflict to immediately cease hostilities and return to negotiations," the eThikwini (Durban) Declaration said at the end of the day-long summit.

"We call upon all parties to allow safe and unhindered humanitarian access. We are ready to work with the international community to assist in this endeavour and facilitate progress to a peaceful resolution of the conflict. Brazil, Russia and China express their sympathy to the South African and Indian governments for the casualties that their citizens suffered in the CAR," the Declaration said.

An Indian and a Nepali citizen married to a woman in Lucknow were killed in the French firing a couple of days ago. French President Francois Hollande called PM Manmohan Singh over telephone here to regret their killing.