This Article is From Jul 12, 2014

Britain to Punish Rude Police Officers


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London: Police officers in Britain who are rude to the public will face disciplinary action under a new set of rules to be announced next week.

In a new 10-point code-of-ethics created to improve the image of the police and re-build its public trust, officers who are found having sex on the job or turning up to work either drunk or using drugs will face punishment.

The codes sets out 10 standards for professional behaviour, including authority, respect and courtesy, honesty and integrity, fitness for work and the use of force.

The punishments will range from verbal warnings to the possible dismissal of officers from their roles, while officers of all levels will be encouraged to report any breach of the code.

Authorities hope the new code, drawn up by the College of Policing and reportedly to be backed by UK Home Secretary Theresa May, will re-build public trust in the police following a series of high-profile scandals including the force's involvement in phone hacking.

The final version of the code is expected to be set before ministers on Tuesday in the House of Commons.

James Clappison, a Tory member of the Home Affairs select committee, told the 'Daily Telegraph': "The over-whelming majority of the police are polite to the public but I think it is useful to set out.

"I think this will be good for the police themselves and for the public and give them even greater confidence in them.

The overwhelmingly majority of police are decent and conscientious."

Big failures to meet the new code of ethics will lead to a formal investigation and may result in an individual losing their job.
