British PM Gordon Brown's a bully, claims book

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London: A new book by political journalist Andrew Rawnsley paints British Prime Minister Gordon Brown as a lonely, angry and abusive man who throws temper tantrums and terrorises his staff. Extracts of the book - printed on Sunday in The Observer newspaper - claim that Britain's top bureaucrat had to intervene to calm Brown down.

Brown denies having ever hit anyone and some of his top lieutenants have tried to counter claims that the 59-year-old leader is a bully.

The description, carried in book "The End of the Party," by The Observer journalist Andrew Rawnsley, is vigorously contested by Brown and his lieutenants - who say that while the prime minister does get angry, he's not a bully.
Rawnsley's book and its contents, extracts of which were published in an eight-page spread in The Observer, dominated Britain's media Sunday.

The book - which Rawnsley said was based on thousands of interviews with hundreds of people over the years - describes the ups and downs of Brown's governing Labour Party.

But the most talked about passages deal with Brown's allegedly explosive rages. In one passage, the book describes Brown as furious when a journalist identified similarities between an address he gave at Labour's 2007 conference and speeches given by Al Gore and Bill Clinton. Bob Shrum, who worked for both before taking on a job as speech writer for Brown, was left shaking by an expletive-laden outburst from the prime minister, according to Rawnsley.

In another passages, the book describes Brown yanking a secretary from her chair when she typed too slowly, and says he flew into rages so regularly that a nearby chair was dotted with marks from where he stabbed it with a pen.  At one point, the book said, Cabinet Secretary Gus O'Donnell had to intervene to calm the situation down.

"Rage, despair and indecision. Inside Gordon Brown's Number 10," The Observer's headline read, in reference to Brown's No. 10 Downing Street office.  The Independent on Sunday, carrying an interview with Brown, summarised the prime minister's thoughts on the book in four big black letters: "LIES!"

Speaking to the Independent, Brown seemed particularly upset at rumours that the published extracts would carry allegations that he hit members of staff.  They didn't, although there were references to alleged incidents in which the prime minister grabbed an aide by the lapels or manhandled or manhandled a senior adviser.

Brown told the paper it was "simply a lie to say I've hit anybody in my life". On the morning talk shows, Brown loyalists took to his defence. "It has been denied by the Civil Service and by the cabinet of the Head of the Civil Service who says it's not true and this is an anonymous briefing, there is nobody named as having made these allegations," Brown's Labour Party deputy Harriet Harman told Sky News television.

The excerpts' publication come as Britain's looming general election is getting closer, tighter and more personal.
Brown's party still trails in the polls, although a few recent ones show the race between him and his Conservative Party challenger tightening. Some surveys have suggested that while Labour was likely to fall short of an absolute majority, it could still cling to power after the election, which must be held by June 3.

Brown has also sought to humanise his distant and often dour image.  A recent interview with Britain's ITV showed the prime minister in an unusually emotional discussion about the death of his newborn daughter in 2002. In the interview, which was seen by more than four (m) million people, Brown also described his proposal to his wife Sarah, discussed his love life as a younger man and spoke in unusually frank terms about his clashes with his predecessor, Tony Blair.

In an editorial piece in The Observer, Rawnsley defended his focus on Brown's character, referring to the interview as an example when the prime minister had consciously sought to project his personality "in a way that might make it more appealing to voters." That, he said, was the "Good Brown," adding that there was also a "Bad Brown" lurking behind the scenes.
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