This Article is From Nov 27, 2015

Canada to Give UN $750,000 for Syrian Refugee Relief


File photo of Syrian refugees. (Reuters Photo)

Tonronto: Canada's Liberal government has announced a US$750, 000 (CA$100 million) contribution to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees to help fleeing Syrians, fulfilling a campaign promise from its recent federal election.

The contribution includes US$7.5 million (CA$10 million) for the U.N. refugee agency as part of the program to resettle thousands of Syrian refugees in Canada over the next few months.

International Development Minister Marie-Claude Bibeau said Thursday that the government will move quickly to disburse the funds.

The government also announced it is honoring a commitment made by the previous Conservative government to match donations by Canadians to the international relief efforts. Officials say Canadians have until Dec. 31 to make donations, which will be matched to a ceiling of US$750,000 (CA$100 million).
