This Article is From Mar 01, 2011

Caught on camera: Gaddafi's son brandishing a machine gun

Tripoli: As pressure piles up on Colonel Moammar Gaddafi to step down, a video footage has emerged of his son Seif al Islam brandishing a machine gun and assuring supporters in Tripoli that they would be armed to confront Libyan anti-government demonstrators.

Standing on top of what appears to be an open truck surrounded by a crowd chanting slogans, Seif is heard saying that he has come to raise their morale before they face demonstrators whom he describes as riff raff.

"You will receive all the support, all the facilities and the arms, everything will be ok and you will be victorious", Seif is seen as saying in the video.

The video, circulating on YouTube seems to have been shot with a mobile phone camera by one of the men clustering around Seif.

It is not clear when the footage was shot but Seif's words make it clear he was speaking in Tripoli, the capital, which is the last bastion of Gaddafi support.
