This Article is From Jun 12, 2010

China: Grandma starves mentally challenged boy to death

Beijing: A Chinese woman starved her six-year-old mentally challenged grandson to death because she believed that he was the reason for all the troubles faced by the family and made her life a mess.

Qiu Fenglan, 60, in China's Jiangsu province said she starved the boy since February, resulting in his death in March, official media here reported.

Qiu told police that she starved the boy to help save her son from the troubles.

Qiu's daughter-in-law, who lived in Shainghai, complained to the police about the boy's death.

Forensic examination indicated the boy died from organ failure due to malnutrition. It means he had been starved to death, a police officer told the state-run Xinhua news agency. She was detained by police on March 2, but is now out on bail.

Qiu told police that the boy was living with her because her son was finalising his divorce with her

She blamed the grandson for all the troubles of his son. Living with the grandson made her own life a mess, she complained. She was unable to work and had to spend all her time to care for the boy.

"Feed him less and there will be less trouble," she reportedly told the police.