This Article is From Dec 13, 2009

Climate summit: Split wide open

Copenhagen: Documents prepared by leaders at the Copenhagen Climate Summit have called on the developed nations to cut greenhouse gas emissions. The draft deal wants that by 2020, the developed countries should cut emissions by 25-45 per cent from the 1990 levels.

However, the developed nations have so far promised 18 per cent emission cuts.

The European Union has, meanwhile, pledged 10.6 billion dollars over three years to a proposed annual fund to help developing countries cope with climate change.

Climate change groups have criticised Danish police and accused it of high-handedness after 900 people were detained at a rally near the Copenhagen Summit.

Activists alleged that protesters were held for hours in freezing conditions without medical attention, water or toilets.

Danish Police has, however, defended its actions calling it a preventive measure to avoid any untoward incident.