This Article is From Dec 15, 2015

Coalition Declares Yemen Truce From 0900 GMT Tuesday: Saudi Media

Riyadh: The Saudi-led coalition said Monday that a ceasefire in Yemen will begin the following morning instead of at midnight as earlier announced, as warring parties prepared for talks in Switzerland.

The coalition said the truce will begin at 0900 GMT following a request by Yemeni President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi, but warned that it "reserves the right to respond in case of any violation" by the rebels, said a statement carried by the SPA state news agency.

The statement said Hadi wrote to Saudi King Salman informing him and the coalition of a Yemeni government decision to "declare a 7-day ceasefire initiative", as talks begin at an undisclosed location in Switzerland.

The truce "would be renewed automatically if the other party commits to it", the statement cited Hadi as saying.