This Article is From Apr 29, 2012

Crisis-hit Greece gears up for election cliffhanger

Athens: Crisis-hit Greece heads for an electoral cliffhanger on May 6 after two years of tough austerity that have shaken the country to its core.

The brief and bitter campaign leading into next Sunday's ballot has further blurred predictions and thrown Greece's mainstream parties into disarray, with analysts speaking of the closest contest in decades.

"These are the most uncertain elections since the 1950s," said political analyst George Sefertzis. "It will be a long election night, and I'm not at all sure about who is going to emerge as the victor."

Polls released until last week, when a ban set in to avoid swaying undecided voters, show a fragmented political field amid opposition to an EU-IMF economic recovery plan that has brought repeated waves of pay and pension cuts.

The two parties that have ruled Greece for the past 37 years, socialist Pasok and conservative New Democracy, have both been discredited and held responsible for the country's catastrophic finances after decades of state overspending and nepotism.

Pasok and New Democracy, who formed a power-sharing coalition in November to save the country from bankruptcy, are also accused of unreservedly applying the EU-IMF plan blamed for plunging Greece into a deep recession.

Having easily drawn some 80 percent of the vote in the past, Pasok and New Democracy will now be lucky to win 50 percent on Sunday night, the polls suggest.

New Democracy holds a lead of between four and eight percent, and its leader Antonis Samaras insists that he will not work with Pasok to form another coalition government.

Support has flocked to a widening array of smaller parties made up of dissidents of Pasok and New Democracy that oppose the recovery as imposed by Brussels.

"I expect a punishment vote," said Ilias Nikolakopoulos, one of Greece's leading political scientists.

"For the ruling parties, it's a question of 'in or out of the euro'. For the opposition parties, it's 'in or out of the memorandum'," of understanding that ties Greece to its creditors, he told AFP.

A total of 32 parties will field candidates in the general election, the Supreme Court ruled on Thursday.

In addition to New Democracy and Pasok, three more parties which already had representation in parliament are likely to win seats. These are the Communists (KKE), the radical left Syriza and the extreme-right Laos parties.

But opinion polls suggest that up to 10 parties might win more than the three per cent voter threshold needed to win parliamentary representation.

Also expected to win parliamentary entry are the Independent Greeks, a conservative splinter party set up in March which rejects the financial rescue agreed with European Union partners and the International Monetary Fund.

The neo-Nazi Golden Dawn party (Hryssi Avgi) is also likely to enter parliament for the first time since the restoration of democracy in 1974, riding a wave of anger over rampant unemployment, illegal immigration and crime.

And the europhile left-wing Democratic Left party -- which nevertheless rejects the EU-IMF plan -- is another safe bet according to analysts.

Outsiders include the anti-austerity "Social Pact" led by dissident Pasok member Louka Katseli, the "Antarsya" (left anti-capitalist) party, and the "I won't pay" party which emerged from a civil disobedience movement which sprang up in 2010.

Given the economic challenges still at hand, the election could yet deliver a coalition government similar to that led by outgoing caretaker Prime Minister Lucas Papademos.

But even though the country's economic survival and membership to the euro is still at stake, the parties have failed to find enough common ground to even organise a televised debate between their leaders.

The new Greek government will face an early test when 436 million euros ($575 million) of debt, held by private creditors who turned down a swap, matures on May 15.

Greece said on Wednesday that it had completed a huge exchange of government debt held by private creditors worth nearly 199 billion euros ($262 billion) or 97 percent of the face value involved.

The swap cut some 106 billion euros from Greece's near- and mid-term debt of over 350 billion euros, with investors losing more than half of their investment in Greek government bonds as a result.

Chief among those investors were Greece's banks, and the new government must soon recapitalise the financial institutions in order to keep them afloat.

On Friday the outgoing cabinet left the issue to its successors to resolve, but agreed to give banks nearly 19 billion euros in bridge financing through EU-backed bonds.
