This Article is From Jun 23, 2016

Democrats Create Havoc On US House Floor Over Gun Control Legislation


Democratic members of the US House of Representatives staging a sit-in on the House floor. (Reuters)


  • Democrats' "sit-in" in House of Representatives over vote on gun control
  • Speaker Paul Ryan refuses Democrats' demands, calls it "publicity stunt"
  • Republicans shut down video cameras that document the chamber
Washington: Chaos in the US House of Representatives stretched into Thursday after Republicans refused demands by Democrats, who staged a "sit-in", to bring up gun control legislation in the wake of the nation's worst mass shooting in modern history.

Scores of Democrats flooded the chamber for more than 14 hours, sitting on the floor and chanting in a "sit-in" protest, taking over the House even as the Republican leadership shut off television cameras and microphones as they tried to force lawmakers back to order.

Democrats vowed to continue their protest until Republican leaders allowed a vote on gun control legislation after the June 12 massacre in Orlando, Florida. Republicans called their move a publicity stunt.

"Mr. Speaker, this is not a publicity stunt. This is a wakeup call," Representative Mark Takano, a California Democrat, said on the House floor.

Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan refused Democrats' demands for action on gun control and instead forced a vote on an unrelated bill even as raucous scenes spilled across the legislative chamber.

Democrats chanted and shouted over Speaker Paul Ryan as he gaveled the House into session and tried to bring order. (AP Photo)

Not since August 2008, when House Republicans, then in the minority, took the floor to demand a vote on allowing offshore drilling has the House been brought to a standstill by a protest.

The Democrats' move echoed last week's filibuster by Senate Democrats to protest inaction on guns in the wake of the June 12 massacre at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, where a gunman killed 49 people and wounded 53 in the deadliest mass shooting in modern US history.

After the Senate talk-a-thon, the Senate's Republican majority scheduled votes on four gun control measures - all of which failed on Monday. Work on a compromise is under way.

Guns are a potent US political issue and Americans are on edge after mass shootings in recent years in Connecticut, Colorado, California and elsewhere. Congress has not passed major gun control legislation since 1994, with gun rights defenders saying such measures infringe on the constitutional right to bear arms.

Ryan said he would not follow suit: "They know that we will not bring a bill that takes away a person's constitutionally guaranteed rights without ... due process," he said on CNN.

Instead, Republicans said on Wednesday evening they would reconvene to vote on financial regulation legislation and file a $1.1 billion funding measure to fight Zika in a move aimed at returning the chamber to order.

Democratic members of the US House of Representatives, including Rep Joe Courtney (C) staging a sit-in on the House floor. (Reuters)

'We Will Stay'

The Democrats began their protest shortly before midday (1600 GMT) Wednesday, bringing other House business to a halt as they occupied the floor. Ryan entered the chamber about 10 hours later and announced an immediate vote on an unrelated investment advice bill.

Democrats held up signs honoring gun violence victims during the vote.

"We will stay," House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi said on the chamber floor as members vowed to continue their sit-in as long as it took to get a vote on a gun bill.

Ryan insisted he would not bring up any bill that would take away gun owners' constitutional rights.

The Democrats' move echoed last week's filibuster by Senate Democrats to protest against inaction on guns in the wake of the massacre at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, where a gunman killed 49 people and wounded 53.

After the Senate talk-a-thon, the Senate's Republican majority scheduled votes on four gun control measures - all of which failed on Monday. Work on a compromise is under way.

Guns are a potent US political issue and Americans are on edge after mass shootings in recent years in Connecticut, Colorado, California and elsewhere. The House chaos reflected what is fast becoming a heated issue in the November 8 US presidential election.

Democratic members of the US House of Representatives, including Rep. John Lewis (R) staging a sit-in on the House floor "to demand action on common sense gun legislation" on Capitol Hill in Washington, United States. (Reuters)

Congress has not passed major gun control legislation since 1994, with gun rights defenders saying such measures infringe on the constitutional right to bear arms.

Ryan also remained steadfast in not allowing a vote on the issue. Instead, members voted on the investment bill and moved to advance a $1.1 billion funding measure to fight the Zika virus.

Chanting Lawmakers

Led by Representative John Lewis, a Democrat from Georgia and veteran of the 1960s civil rights movement, Democrats urged tighter background checks and legislation to curb the sale of weapons to people on government watch lists.

Lewis made an impassioned speech on the House floor to the more than 100 fellow Democrats huddled around him urging them to "never, ever give up."

"They (the American public) want us to do something. We have a moral obligation, a mission and a mandate to do something," Lewis said to applause and cheering.

He even tweeted later:
Pelosi invoked not only Orlando but other mass shootings, including an attack a year ago by a white man at a black church in Charleston, South Carolina, that killed nine. "Right now there is an opportunity," she said.

Tweets of support came from outside Congress. President Barack Obama tweeted:
Several Democratic senators crossed the Capitol on Wednesday to join protesters, including Senators Elizabeth Warren, Tim Kaine and Cory Booker, all mentioned as potential running mates for presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, who voiced her support on Twitter.

Clinton's rival in the Democratic race, Senator Bernie Sanders, also appeared.

"Thank you John Lewis for leading on gun violence where we need it most," President Barack Obama tweeted.

Lawmakers also took to social media to document their demonstration with video and pictures.

Outside the Capitol, nearly 50 people gathered in solidarity at a rally organized by Everytown for Gun Safety, the advocacy group backed by former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

Many House Republicans said they viewed the problem differently from Democrats. "We don't view the fact that someone becomes radicalized and decides to kill a bunch of Americans ... as a gun problem," John Fleming of Louisiana said on Wednesday.

"We view that as a terrorist problem."