This Article is From Jan 12, 2018

Trump Attacks Protections For Immigrants From 'Shithole' Countries In Oval Office Meeting

Donald Trump, according to a White House official, also suggested he would be open to more immigrants from Asian countries because they help the United States economically.

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Donald Trump built his candidacy and presidency around hard stances on immigration.


  • Trump said the US should bring more people from countries like Norway
  • He would allow immigrants from Asian nations as they help US economically
  • He singled out Haitians, told lawmakers they must be left out of any deal
President Donald Trump grew frustrated with lawmakers Thursday in the Oval Office when they floated restoring protections for immigrants from Haiti, El Salvador and African countries as part of a bipartisan immigration deal, according to several people briefed on the meeting.

"Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?" Trump said, according to these people, referring to countries mentioned by the lawmakers.

Trump then suggested that the United States should instead bring more people from countries like Norway, whose prime minister he met with on Wednesday. The president, according to a White House official, also suggested he would be open to more immigrants from Asian countries because they help the United States economically.

In addition, the president singled out Haiti, telling lawmakers that immigrants from that country must be left out of any deal, these people said.

"Why do we need more Haitians?" Trump said, according to people familiar with the meeting. "Take them out."

The comments left lawmakers taken aback, according to people familiar with their reactions. Sens. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., and Richard Durbin, D-Ill., had proposed cutting the visa lottery program by 50 percent and then prioritizing countries already in the system, a White House official said.

A White House spokesman defended Trump's position on immigration without directly addressing Trump's remarks. White House officials did not dispute the account.

"Certain Washington politicians choose to fight for foreign countries, but President Trump will always fight for the American people," spokesman Raj Shah said in a statement issued after The Washington Post first reported Trump's remarks. " . . . Like other nations that have merit-based immigration, President Trump is fighting for permanent solutions that make our country stronger by welcoming those who can contribute to our society, grow our economy and assimilate into our great nation."

Trump built his candidacy and presidency around hard stances on immigration, vowing to build a wall along the Mexican border and cut legal immigration by half, among other positions. Officials at the Department of Homeland Security have also increased immigration raids, including dozens earlier this week at convenience stores across the country.

The remarks were quickly met with scorn from Democrats and some Republicans and could throw another wrench into bipartisan discussions on immigration, which had shown promise in recent days, according to legislators.

Rep. Luis Gutierrez, D-Ill., said the comments "will shake the confidence that people have" in the ongoing immigration policy talks.

"Democrats and Republicans in the Senate made a proposal. The answer is this racist outburst of the president. How can you take him seriously? They [Republicans] don't believe in immigration - it's always been about people of color and keeping them out of this country," Gutierrez said.

Rep. Cedric Richmond, D-La., chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus, said on Twitter that Trump's remarks "are further proof that his Make America Great Again Agenda is really a Make America White Again agenda."

Some Republicans also raised objections. Rep. Mia Love, R-Utah, whose family comes from Haiti, said in a statement that Trump's remarks were "unkind, divisive, elitist, and fly in the face of our nation's values. This behavior is unacceptable from the leader of our nation."

"My grandmother used to say - digame con quien caminas y te dire quien eres - tell me who you walk with and I'll tell you who you are," said Rep. Adriano Espaillat, D-N.Y., who represents most of Harlem and is an immigrant from the Dominican Republic, which shares the island of Hispaniola with Haiti. "If he's walking around with white supremacists and supporting them, this kind of talk doesn't surprise me."

The comments put further scrutiny on Trump's long-standing tendency to make racially-charged comments - including attacks on protesting black athletes to his claim that there were fine people "on both sides" after neo-Nazis rioted in Charlottesville, Virginia. Trump also falsely claimed for years that former president Barack Obama was not born in the United States and took out advertisements calling for the death penalty for members of the Central Park Five in New York, who were later exonerated.

The New York Times also reported last year that Trump said immigrants in Haiti have AIDS, though the White House denied that account.

Democrats were quick to note that Trump employs Haitians at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida and that he praised Haitian Americans during a roundtable in Miami last September. Trump's critics also said racially incendiary language could damage relationships with foreign allies.

"Whether you vote for me or don't vote for me, I really want to be your greatest champion, and I will be your champion," Trump said at the Haitian American roundtable last year.

Alix Desulme, a city council member in North Miami, home to thousands of Haitian Americans, said the president's latest remarks were "disgusting."

"Oh my God. Oh my God Jesus," said Desulme. "I don't know how worse it can get."

"This is very alarming. We know he's not presidential but this a low," he said. "It's disheartening that someone who is the leader of the free world would use such demeaning language to talk about other folks, referring to folks of color."

For many of Trump's supporters, however, the comments may not prove to be particularly damaging. Trump came under fire from conservatives earlier this week for seeming to suggest he would be open to a comprehensive immigration reform deal without money for a border wall, before he quickly backtracked.

"He's trying to win me back," conservative author Ann Coulter, who has called for harsh limits on immigration, wrote on Twitter.

Outlining a potential bipartisan deal, the lawmakers discussed restoring protections for countries that have been removed from the temporary protected status program while adding $1.5 billion for a border wall and making changes to the visa lottery system. Lawmakers mentioned that members of the CBC had requested that some African countries be included in the protective status program, according to a White House official who asked for anonymity to describe a private conversation.

The exchange was "salty" on all sides, this person said, with the president growing profane and animated while discussing immigrants from other countries. "It did not go well," this person said.

The administration announced this week that it was removing protective status for citizens of El Salvador.

Trump had seemed amenable to a deal earlier in the day during phone calls with lawmakers, aides said, but shifted his position in the meeting and did not seem interested in the bipartisan compromise.

The scene played out hurriedly in the morning. Graham and Durbin thought they would be meeting with Trump alone and were surprised to find immigration hard-liners such as Rep. Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., and Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., at the meeting. White House and Hill aides say Stephen Miller, the president's top immigration official, was concerned there could be a deal proposed that was too liberal and made sure other conservative lawmakers were present.

After the meeting, Marc Short, Trump's legislative aide, said the White House was nowhere near a bipartisan agreement on immigration.

"We still think we can get there," White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said at the daily White House news briefing.

The Washington Post's Ed O'Keefe, Maria Sacchetti and Erica Werner contributed to this report.