This Article is From Jan 17, 2017

Donald Trump To Take Presidential Oath On Abraham Lincoln's Bible


Donald Trump is the President-elect of the USA.

Washington: At his swearing-in on Friday, US President-elect Donald Trump will stand before a crowd of thousands and place his hand on his own Bible and, symbolically, on that used by Abraham Lincoln 156 years before.

The president-election's inauguration committee on Tuesday announced that Mr Trump would be sworn by Chief Justice John Roberts, using two books.

The first - embossed with his name - was given to Mr Trump by his mother when he graduated from New York's Sunday Church Primary School in 1955.

Mr Trump will also place his hand on the same Bible used by Abraham Lincoln at his first inauguration ceremony in 1861.

Then, Lincoln called on a nation in the first throes of civil war to listen to the "better angels" of its nature.

Mr Trump will take charge of a country not so violently divided, but divided nonetheless.

Mr Trump was elected after a bitter campaign that frequently turned to racial and ethnic themes.

"President-elect Trump is humbled to place his hand on Bibles that hold special meaning both to his family and to our country," said Trump's pointman for the inauguration ceremony Tom Barrack.

The Lincoln Bible was also used by President Barack Obama when he was sworn in as America's first African-American president in 2009 and then again after re-election in 2013.