This Article is From Sep 17, 2010

Donkey lifeline for Afghan polling stations

Donkey lifeline for Afghan polling stations
Kabul, Afghanistan: In the run up to this weekend's parliamentary elections in Afghanistan, officials from remote areas collected election materials to deliver them by donkey to remote areas with no road access.

(Dari) Mohammad Yahya, a polling station official said, "We've walked for five hours to carry this election material back to our area by donkey. It's so our people can participate in the elections and cast their votes. This will enable them to be hopeful for a peaceful, prosperous, happy and safe future after this election."

In Afghanistan a truck carrying election paraphernalia in preparation for this weekend's parliamentary elections - has quite literally reached the end of the road.

The only way election officials from the remote areas of Panjshir province can get it to the people is by donkey. The hardy creatures are loaded up with plastic and cardboard boxes ready for the long journey to the remote polling stations. They have to travel with an armed police escort over security fears.

At least 19 election-related deaths have already been recorded in the run-up to the vote - including four candidates.

Despite fears of violence - the people and the animals are doing the donkey-work in a bid to have their say over the future of their country. 