This Article is From Apr 26, 2011

Dossier shows push for more post-9/11 terror attacks

Dossier shows push for more post-9/11 terror attacks
Washington: He peers out from the photo in the classified file through heavy-framed spectacles, an owlish face with a graying beard and a half-smile. Saifullah Paracha, a successful businessman and for years a New York travel agent, appears to be the oldest of the 172 prisoners still held at the Guantánamo Bay prison. His dossier is among the most chilling.

In the months after the September 11 attacks, Mr. Paracha, 63, was one of a small circle of Al-Qaida operatives who explored ways to follow up on the hijackings with new attacks, according to the classified Guantánamo files made available to The New York Times.

Working with Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the 9/11 planner who in early 2002 gave him $500,000 to $600,000 "for safekeeping," Mr. Paracha offered his long experience in the shipping business for a scheme to move plastic explosives into the United States inside containers of women's and children's clothing, the files assert.

"Detainee desired to help Al-Qaida 'do something big against the US,' " one of his co-conspirators, Ammar al-Baluchi, told Guantánamo interrogators, the files say. Mr. Paracha discussed obtaining biological or nuclear weapons as well, though he was concerned that detectors at ports "would make it difficult to smuggle radioactive materials into the country," the file says.

Mr. Paracha's assessment is among more than 700 classified documents that fill in new details of Al-Qaida's efforts to make 9/11 just the first in a series of attacks to cripple the United States, intentions thwarted as the Central Intelligence Agency captured Mr. Mohammed and other leaders of the terrorist network.

The plots reportedly discussed by Mr. Mohammed and various operatives, none of them acted upon, included plans for a new wave of aircraft attacks on the West Coast, filling an apartment with leaked natural gas and detonating it, blowing up gas stations and even cutting the cables holding up the Brooklyn Bridge.

For the small circle of Qaida operatives described in the December 2008 assessment of Mr. Paracha, terrorism appears to have been a family affair. There was Mr. Mohammed, the terrorist network's top plotter, and his nephew, Mr. Baluchi, who was married to another militant, an American-trained neuroscientist, Aafia Siddiqui. And there was Mr. Paracha and his son, Uzair.

The newly revealed assessments, obtained last year by the group WikiLeaks and provided by another source to The Times, have revived the dispute, nearly as old as the prison, over whether mistreatment of some prisoners there and the prison's operation outside the criminal justice system invalidate the government's conclusions about the detainees.

Hina Shamsi, director of the national security project at the American Civil Liberties Union, said the assessments "are rife with uncorroborated evidence, information obtained through torture, speculation, errors and allegations that have been proven false."

Likewise, David H. Remes, a lawyer who represents the elder Mr. Paracha, said in an interview on Monday that while he had not seen the assessment, its conclusion that Mr. Paracha posed a "high risk" to American interests was without foundation.

"The notion that he ever did anything that justified his detention, or ever was or is any kind of threat to the United States, is preposterous," Mr. Remes said. "He is a 63-year-old man with a serious heart condition and severe diabetes, and he has been nothing but cooperative with the authorities."

What Mr. Paracha wants, Mr. Remes added, is either a transfer back to his native country, Pakistan, or "a definitive adjudication of his case."

Jay Carney, the White House spokesman, condemned on Monday the publication of what he called "documents obtained illegally" and noted the military's findings about some detainees had been changed by a new review under President Obama. The detailed results of that review, however, remain secret.

Mr. Carney said the president remained committed to closing the Guantánamo prison someday. But Mr. Obama's review identified about 50 detainees his advisers said could not be tried and were too dangerous to release, and Congress has imposed restrictions on bringing prisoners to the United States.

The portrait of Mr. Paracha is one of the striking ones to emerge from the files. The documents say he attended the New York Institute of Technology in the early 1970s and worked as a travel agent in New York for 13 years.

He was arrested in Bangkok in July 2003 after Uzair, who was already in FBI custody in New York, "acknowledged" his father was a militant, the assessment says. Uzair Paracha was convicted in a 2005 trial on charges including material support for terrorism and is serving a 30-year sentence in federal prison.

According to his Guantánamo assessment, Saifullah Paracha had "provided useful information concerning senior Al-Qaida members" but "attempted to deceive and misinform intelligence and law enforcement personnel about his own activities." As a result, the assessment draws heavily on statements by others, notably Mr. Mohammed, who was subjected to waterboarding and other brutal treatment during his interrogation by the CIA.

But Mr. Paracha's assessment suggests that he did not deny militant connections at the highest level. "Detainee claimed he met UBL on a trip to Afghanistan in December 1999 or January 2000," the documents say, using the government's initials for Osama bin Laden. It says he offered to let Mr. bin Laden use his broadcasting business in Pakistan to generate propaganda films for Al-Qaida.

Later, Mr. bin Laden dispatched Mr. Mohammed to talk further about the idea, and Mr. Paracha explained "his vision of dedicating a program on his broadcasting network depicting UBL quoting Koranic verses."

After 9/11, Mr. Paracha's discussions focused on new plots, the files say. A Casio digital diary he was carrying when he was arrested "contained references to military chemical warfare agents, and their effects on humans," according to the classified assessment. The document says Mr. Paracha told interrogators he had worked with Abdul Qadeer Khan, considered to be the father of Pakistan's nuclear weapons program and a major proliferator of nuclear technology.

Edward D. Wilford, a lawyer who represented the son at his 2005 trial, said his client had played no "witting" role in his father's arrest.

"He was not a part of it in any way," he said. "He didn't make any calls. He didn't make any contact. In fact, he was being held incommunicado. He didn't have any way of knowing what was going on." The son had been jailed in Manhattan on a material-witness warrant after his questioning by the FBI in March 2003. He was charged criminally in August 2003, after his father's arrest.

The relationship between father and son is only hinted at in the assessment report. It says that analysts concluded that Saifullah Paracha was "hiding aspects of his son's extremist activities." The son, though, talked about his father and his father's relationship with Mr. bin Laden while testifying in his own defense.

A prosecutor asked whether Uzair Paracha had told FBI agents that his father admired Mr. bin Laden. "I don't remember if my father actually said that he admired bin Laden," the son testified. "He said that bin Laden was a humble person and he had a simple way of life."
