This Article is From Apr 03, 2015

EU Vows Support for Kenya After University Massacre


A student hostage is escorted out of Garissa University after Kenya Defence Forces ended a siege by terrorist gunmen on April 2. (Agence France-Presse)


The European Union pledged today to support Kenya's fight against extremism after 147 people were killed by Somalia's Al Qaeda-affiliated Shebab Islamists in an attack on a university.

"Violent extremism has once again targeted the right of the people of Kenya to live in peace and freedom of religion," the bloc's foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini said in a statement.

"The terrorists showed their determination to undermine education, to provoke division between different faiths, to deprive the country of a future of economic and cultural growth, of stability and dignity for all its citizens."

Mogherini, the former Italian foreign minister, restated the 28-nation EU's support for Kenya in "overcoming the threat from such terrorism", adding that it was "important that all play their part if we are to achieve that."

"The EU's solidarity at this time is assured, and we will work on reinforcing our support for Kenya's counter-terrorism efforts," she said.

Pope Francis has led worldwide condemnation of the day-long siege at Garissa University, Kenya's deadliest attack since the 1998 bombing of the US embassy in Nairobi.