This Article is From Nov 30, 2015

Fights With Climate Change, Terrorism Linked: Francois Hollande


French President Francois Hollande arrive for the opening of the UN conference on climate change, on November 30, 2015 at Le Bourget, on the outskirts of the French capital Paris. (AFP)

Paris: The fights against terrorism and global warming are closely linked, French President Francois Hollande said as world leaders met in Paris for climate change talks two weeks after deadly Islamist terrorist attacks in the French capital.

Hollande also reiterated that any deal to try to keep any further rise in global temperatures down to 2 degrees centigrade needed to be "universal, differentiated and binding," with richer countries contributing more than poor ones.

"I can't separate the fight with terrorism from the fight against global warming," he said at the opening of the talks.

"These are two big global challenges we have to face up to, because we have to leave our children more than a world freed of terror, we also owe them a planet protected from catastrophes."

World peace is at stake in the talks, he said.
© Thomson Reuters 2015