This Article is From May 24, 2017

First The Swat, Now The Hair Tuck. Melania Trump Does It Again

In Rome, as President Donald Trump reaches out for Melania Trump's hand, she manages to evade his hand again

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The President and the First Lady arrive in Rome for their first audience with Pope Francis

The now-famous swat still making the rounds of Internet, US First Lady Melania Trump again managed to evade an effort to hold hands from President Donald Trump. And this too, was caught on camera.

The first couple had just landed in Rome and stood at the door of the aircraft to wave at the crowds. But as the President reached out for her hand again, the First Lady whisked her hand away to tuck her hair behind her ear. The President then touched her on the back to hide the fumble - triggering sniggers on Twitter.
The President and the First Lady were in Rome for their first audience with Pope Francis at the Vatican. Their itinerary also became a matter of speculation.
Last week, while walking down the red carpet at Israel's Ben Gurion airport with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara, the President had tried to hold the First Lady's hand, only to be swatted away in full view of cameras.

Twitter could not get enough of their body language. Or the fact that the US President was walking side by side with the Israeli first couple, leaving Mrs Trump a step behind.

Vatican was the third stop on the international tour of President Trump and the FLOTUS. Their tour had started with Saudi Arabia and then, over the weekend, they had visited Israel and the West Bank. On Twitter, many said they could not wait for their next stop - which would be Brussels on May 25 for a meeting of the NATO.