This Article is From Aug 24, 2011

Gaddafi defiant after rebel takeover

Gaddafi defiant after rebel takeover
Tripoli, Libya: Backed by NATO airstrikes and seasoned reinforcements, rebel fighters crashed through the gates of Col. Muammar el-Gaddafi's fortresslike compound on Tuesday, running madly across its sprawling lawns, ransacking its barracks for weapons and carting off mementos of his 42-year dictatorship.

The victory was by no means complete, however. Colonel Gaddafi and his family were nowhere to be found. And as crowds cheered into the night in the city's Green Square, now Martyrs' Square, some Gaddafi militiamen were still fighting around the city, and the rebels acknowledged that even the compound, Bab al-Aziziya, was not yet under the rebels' full control.

The storming of the compound represented the fruition of an oft-repeated rebel vow: "We will celebrate in Bab al-Aziziya," the ultimate seat of power in the Gaddafi government. The conquest was spearheaded by hundreds of experienced fighters from the port city of Misurata, who developed into some of the rebels' best organized and most effective units after months of bitter fighting with elite loyalist forces.

Jubilant rebel fighters made off with advanced machine guns, a gold-plated rifle and the Colonel Gaddafi's golf cart. One took the distinctive fur that Colonel Gaddafi wore in his first public appearance after the uprising began six months ago.

While the pillaging of Bab al-Aziziya was the most conclusive evidence yet that Colonel Gaddafi's rule was at an end, it was not yet clear how much his fall would do to pacify Gaddafi partisans who may feel they have much to lose from the rebels' ascendance, especially while their leader remains at large.

As a reminder that he remained on the loose, Colonel Gaddafi, in an address broadcast early Wednesday over a local Tripoli radio station, called his retreat from Bab al-Aziziya "tactical," Reuters reported. He blamed months of NATO airstrikes for bringing down his compound and vowed "martyrdom" or victory in his battle against the alliance. It was the second such address by Colonel Gaddafi, 69, since his forces lost control of Tripoli.

Rebel leaders acknowledged Tuesday that their forces in Tripoli are not under any unified command. Some are simply Tripoli residents who have taken up guns, and have little or no military experience. And rebels from the western mountains fight in independent brigades from each town or tribe, spraying its name - "Zintan" or "Nalut" - as they go.

Rebel military commanders said that, aside from the area around Bab al-Aziziya, they believed that only two other neighborhoods of Tripoli remained under the control of Gaddafi loyalists. One is Al Hadba. The other is Abu Salim, which includes the Rixos Hotel. A group of journalists have been trapped there for days, first by Colonel Gaddafi's guards and now by gunfire outside. On Tuesday the BBC reported that the hotel had come under attack as well, forcing the journalists to take shelter.

But gunmen and snipers hostile to the rebels continue to operate in many other neighborhoods, and doctors at clinics and hospitals around Tripoli reported hundreds of gunshot wounds over the last 72 hours, even in neighborhoods rebels consider well controlled.

The death toll was impossible to assess. Doctors at a small clinic in the relatively safe neighborhood of Jansur reported receiving 30 patients injured in the fighting, 6 of whom died overnight.

It is also unclear how many rebel fighters are in Tripoli, in part because so many young men from the city are now brandishing automatic rifles. The rebels from the western mountains number a few thousand in tribal bands of 600 or more, and the Misurata fighters were said in unconfirmed reports to number around 500.

Rebel leaders struggled to explain how their leaders in the eastern city of Benghazi had misled the world two days ago when they falsely reported the capture of Colonel Gaddafi's son Seif al-Islam, one of the most powerful figures in his father's government. He embarrassed the rebels early Tuesday by walking freely into the Rixos Hotel and boasting that his father was still in control and inside the city.

In a news conference in the Qatari capital, Doha, Mahmoud Jabril, a top rebel leader, said it was essentially a misunderstanding, suggesting that Luis Moreno-Ocampo, the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, had mistaken an early notification of an unconfirmed rumor for an official report of Seif al-Islam's capture. There was no explanation why the misunderstanding went uncorrected for two days.

The rebels' reversal about the Gaddafi son's capture led to some finger-pointing among the rebels. "I learned not to trust the people from Benghazi who are telling me these stories," said Anwar Fekini, a rebel leader from the western mountains who had repeated the news Monday.

As for the reported capture of another Gaddafi son, Mohammed, Mr. Fekini confirmed reports that he had escaped and acknowledged some responsibility. Mohammed had played little role in the Gaddafi political machine, so Mr. Fekini said he and others agreed to place him under house arrest.

"Unfortunately it was naive," he said. "We are too humane to be warriors."

Rebel officials and others close to Colonel Gaddafi both said Tuesday that they believed that he had not gone far.

"We believe that he is either in Tripoli or close to Tripoli," Guma el-Gamaty, a spokesman for the rebels leadership, told BBC television. "Sooner or later he will be found, alive and arrested - and hopefully that is the best outcome we want - or if he resists, he will be killed."

In addition to Seif al-Islam's boast about his father, Russian news agencies reported earlier that Colonel Gaddafi had a telephone conversation with the Russian head of the World Chess Federation, Kirsan N. Ilyumzhinov, who is in Colonel Gaddafi's circle of foreign friends. Colonel Gaddafi had told his chess mate that he was alive and well in Tripoli, Mr. Ilyumzhinov reportedly said.

NATO officials in Brussels and London said the alliance's warplanes, which have been helping the rebels, were flying reconnaissance and other missions over Libya.

"Our mission is not over yet," said Col. Roland Lavoie, a NATO spokesman, at a news conference in Naples, Italy, urging pro-Gaddafi forces to return to their barracks. "Until this is the case we will carry on with our mission. The situation in Tripoli is still very serious and very dangerous."

Tripoli's two largest hospitals are in areas still under Gaddafi control, so the rebels have set up makeshift clinics in homes around downtown to treat the wounded before moving them to other neighborhoods or the rebel-held city of Zawiyah for care.

Elsewhere, rebels claimed they continued to edge along the coast from the east, though Colonel Gaddafi's loyalists remain in control of his tribe's strongholds, Surt on the Mediterranean and Sabha to the south. On Tuesday, rebels seized control of Ras Lanuf, an important oil port.

Even amid the jubilation in Bab al-Aziziya, though, such was the uncertainty about the control of Tripoli that the International Organization for Migration in Geneva said it had delayed a seaborne mission to rescue hundreds of foreigners because "security guarantees and assurances are no longer in place," said Jemini Pandya, a spokeswoman for the organization.

A Tripoli-bound ship that left the eastern port of Benghazi on Monday would remain at sea until some level of safety for the mission could be assured, she said in a telephone interview.
