Google Launches Fundraising Tool for Migrant Crisis

Read Time: 2 mins
San Francisco, California: Google launched an online campaign Wednesday to get users to donate to relief efforts for the migration crisis affecting Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

The California tech giant said it was donating one million euros ($1.12 million) to various relief organizations and would match donations from users up to an additional five million euros.

"We all want to do something to help," Google said on its campaign page (

"We've identified organizations doing outstanding work on the front lines and want to make it easy for our users to donate and support their efforts."

The funds will be evenly split among Doctors Without Borders, International Rescue Committee, Save the Children and the UN High Commissioner for Refugees.

"These nonprofits are helping deliver essential assistance, including shelter, food and water, and medical assistance, and looking after the security rights of people in need," Google said.

Google said it was covering all finance processing fees "so that 100 percent of your donation goes to where it is needed the most."