This Article is From Jul 03, 2015

Greek Finance Minister Confident of Debt Deal After Vote: Report


File Photo: Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis.

London: Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis said there was a "100 per cent chance" Athens will reach an agreement with its international creditors after a bailout referendum due on Sunday, BBC News reported.

"An agreement will be reached whether a 'Yes' or 'No' comes up through the ballot box," Varoufakis told the British broadcaster in an interview on Thursday.

"If it's a 'Yes' it will be a bad agreement, the banks will open with a bad agreement... If a 'No' wins we are going to have another agreement which will be viable. Along the lines of the proposals made to us in the last few days."

Varoufakis urged Greeks to vote against accepting the terms of the latest bailout proposal when they vote in Sunday's referendum, which could decide the future of the country in the eurozone.

The finance minister has said he will resign if Greece votes in favour of accepting further cuts and tax rises.

He also sharply criticised the policy of austerity enacted in Greece over the last five years and the extended negotiations with international creditors.

"We have a very bad system of governance in Europe. This is not the way to run a monetary union. This is a travesty. It's a comedy of errors for five years now, Europe has been extending and pretending," Varoufakis said.

"The programme that they imposed upon this country and which they want to continue imposing... is going to come down in economic history as the greatest cock-up ever."