The Lettuce Won. Liz Truss Gone In 45 Days

Liz Truss reisgns: The lettuce has become a caricature of the 47-year-old Conservative leader's waning hold on power.

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The lettuce stunt was inspired by The Economist magazine

Liz Truss, just after 45 days in office, resigned as UK prime minister. In the process, she also lost out to a ball of lettuce.

The lettuce has become a caricature of the 47-year-old Conservative leader's waning hold on power. It was pitted against the Prime Minister by The Daily Star, a left-leaning UK tabloid, asking readers if they thought the under-fire prime minister would lose her job before the vegetable decayed.


The tabloid set up a live feed and plopped up an unrefrigerated iceberg next to a photo of Ms Truss.

"Which wet lettuce will last longer?" it asked in a Twitter video post that's been running since October 14, garnering hundreds of viewers and comments.

The lettuce stunt was inspired by The Economist magazine, which in an October 11 column titled "The Iceberg Lady" described Ms Truss as having "the shelf-life of a lettuce".

On Thursday, the lettuce, which did not wilt in its six days in the spotlight, emerged the winner.

"The lettuce outlasted Liz Truss," the video declared.

Someone flipped the photo of Ms Truss face-down on the table, colorful lights came on, and a recording of "God Save the King" played on repeat as thousands watched live.

Being compared to a lettuce was one of many indicators that Ms Truss had a nightmare turn as Britain's leader since the Conservative Party elevated her in September to replace Boris Johnson.


Ms Truss came to power promising an all-out push for growth, but her program proved unpalatable to financial markets as both the pound and gilts tanked amid concerns about how she'd pay for her economic plans.

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