This Article is From Sep 26, 2015

In Philadelphia, Pope Francis Urges Laity to Strengthen Church


People take photos as Pope Francis arrives at the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul in downtown Philadelphia (AFP)

Philadelphia: Pope Francis on Saturday highlighted the need for ordinary Catholics, especially women, to help fortify the Church in the future, as he embarked on the final leg of his triumphal US tour in Philadelphia.

The head of the world's 1.2 billion Catholics landed in the City of Brotherly Love after a short flight from New York, where he spent a whirlwind 36 hours that included an emotional visit to Ground Zero and mass at Madison Square Garden.

The 78-year-old Argentine pontiff is ending a historic visit to Cuba and the United States this weekend with a packed schedule in Philadelphia, including two appearances at the Festival of Families, an international gathering of Catholics.

The city is under a security lockdown, with traffic banned downtown for the entire weekend and thousands of National Guardsmen in the streets.

At the airport in Philadelphia, he walked down the steps of the jet and onto the red carpet, embracing members of the clergy and greet local dignitaries with a beaming smile.

He got out of his modest Fiat at the sight of a child in a wheelchair close to the security barrier, and walked over to bless the child.

Francis then headed straight to mass at the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul, where people slept in the street overnight in the hopes of seeing him.

The pope singled out the role women have played in the Church, telling the story of an American heiress, St Katharine Drexel, who heard her call to found an order of nuns when asked by another pope: "What about you?"

"It is significant that those words of the elderly Pope were also addressed to a lay woman," Francis said.

"We know that the future of the Church in a rapidly changing society will call, and even now calls, for a much more active engagement on the part of the laity," he said, noting the "immense contribution" of women to Catholic communities.

Keeping parishioners involved is an important issue in America's Catholic Church: the number of new priests only covers one-third of the need, according to the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate at Georgetown University.

Later Saturday, Francis, the first pope from Latin America, is due to address immigrants at the city's historic Independence Hall before greeting huge crowds at the Festival of Families, a Catholic event that takes place every three years.

"I wanted to be part of this family celebration," said 42-year-old Luis Ortiz, who slept outside with his 11 children near the cathedral.

Prison visit

On Sunday, Francis will meet with American bishops, visit a prison and lead a farewell mass on Benjamin Franklin Parkway, the city's grandest avenue, before leaving the United States.

The pope has received a rapturous reception in America -- he was welcomed personally by President Barack Obama when he arrived on Tuesday and by giant crowds in both Washington and the Big Apple.

His reform-minded approach to social issues, humility and focus on the most vulnerable has struck a chord across the country's racial and socioeconomic divide.

New York treated the pontiff to a rock-star welcome.

A sea of 80,000 people screamed out in joy as he proceeded through Central Park in his popemobile before celebrating mass at Madison Square Garden, New York's premier concert venue, before about 20,000 people.

Once again, the pope focused on society's poorest, in a message voiced time and again in America's financial capital, a city of staggering wealth but also need.

He called on worshippers not to forget "the faces of all those people who don't appear to belong, or are second-class citizens."

"They are the foreigners, the children who go without schooling, those deprived of medical insurance, the homeless, the forgotten elderly," the pope said.

Songs in Harlem

At the city's somber September 11 Memorial, he laid a white rose and led a gathering of 700 in multi-faith prayers for world peace and paid tribute to the nearly 3,000 victims killed in the 2001 attacks.

Francis was welcomed in song and laughter on a heartwarming visit to a Catholic school in New York's East Harlem neighborhood.

It was a stark contrast to the austere surroundings of the UN General Assembly, where he touched on the persecution of Christians in the Middle East, drug trafficking -- "silently killing millions" -- and the rights of girls to an education.

As he did at the US Congress, the pope gave a passionate plea to protect the environment, voicing confidence that a looming UN summit on climate change would reach "effective" agreement in Paris.

Francis also offered a strong endorsement of Iran's agreement with the United States and five other world powers to limit its nuclear program.
