This Article is From Apr 28, 2009

Indian High Commission in UK attacked


Hundreds of pro-LTTE supporters on Monday vandalised Indian and Sri Lankan High Commissions in London, demanding an immediate end to the Lankan army's offensive against Tiger rebels in the island nation's northern war zone.

Police said they arrested three people for "criminal damage" at the Indian High Commission after they smashed the bullet-proof glasses in the front of the India House, housing the Indian High Commission, at Aldwych on Monday.

"Three more were arrested at a larger protest at the Sri Lankan High Commission where two police officers sustained injuries and were rushed to hospital," a spokeswoman of the Metropolitan Police told PTI.

Initially there were about 100 pro-LTTE demonstrators protesting before the Indian High Commissiion whose ranked swelled to over 2000 at one stage as activists camping at the Parliament houses joined them shouting slogans, demanding immediate ceasefire.

The Indian High Commission said the "incident occurred between 8.15 and 8.30am and the demonstrators, shouting slogans about the situation in Sri Lanka gathered outside the High Commission premises."

"A few managed to force their way in, when the door was opened to allow a member of local staff in. The crowd, originally about 100 to 150 in number swelled to over a thousand later," it said in an statement.

When contacted, an official of the Indian High Commission told PTI the bullet-proof glasses were shattered but no one was injured.

"A few were arrested and taken into custody. The crowd outside have shattered some of the glass-windows of the High Commission's premises with heavy objects," the statement said.

The official said the Foreign and Commonwealth Office has been briefed about the incident, along with the High Commission's concerns about the security situation and their need for adequate security measures.

Meanwhile, the Met spokeswoman said three persons were arrested at the Sri Lankan High Commission for similar protests.

"One person was arrested for violent disorder, another on suspicion of criminal damage and the third for public order offence," she said.

Inspite of the violent actions by the pro-LTTE demonstrators, police were reluctant to act swiftly against them, eyewitnesses said.
