This Article is From Sep 03, 2013

Indonesian hardliners protest against Miss World beauty pageant


Photo of protests in Indonesia against Miss World beauty pageant

Jakarta: About 150 hardliners protested in the Indonesian capital Jakarta today against the Miss World beauty pageant.

Just days before the pageant is due to start on the resort island of Bali, the demonstrators called on authorities to cancel it and brandished banners reading "Miss World Go to Hell".

They also waved banners reading "Boycott Miss World sponsors" as they marched in central Jakarta to the offices of media group MNC, which will broadcast the show.

"The contest will invite danger and vice," one protester shouted to the crowd, who responded with chants of "God is great".

"We call for war against Miss World. We urge the Indonesian government to call off the Miss World event," added Irfan Awwas, chairman of radical group the Indonesian Council of Mujahideen.

Anger has been growing at the decision to stage the Miss World beauty pageant in the world's most populous Muslim-majority nation.

A decision by organisers to drop the famed bikini round this year has failed to appease hardliners, who have pledged to stage huge demonstrations when the final takes place outside Jakarta on September 28.

The country's top Muslim clerical body and even the religious affairs minister have expressed anger at the pageant, which opens Sunday in Bali.
