Every year, on May 15, the world celebrates the International Day of Families. The main goal of the day is to raise awareness about issues that families face and to increase understanding about all the other factors that influence a family as a whole.
The day also takes into account the economic, demographic, and social dynamics that affect families in multiple ways.
International Day of Families 2022: Theme
The United Nations, which leads the International Day of Families celebrations, has chosen “Families and Urbanisation” as the theme for 2022. The objective is to raise awareness about the importance of family-friendly, sustainable urban policies.
The concept of urbanisation is shaping the world and the well-being of families globally. As a result, having a sustainable approach that is in sync with urbanisation will assist nations in growing and developing.
After all, the world will only grow and prosper if families, their socio-economic conditions, and their well-being are taken care of.
International Day of Families: Significance
The main reason for celebrating this day is to raise awareness and understanding of the importance of families and their values in shaping the world.
It was back in the 1980s when the United Nations decided to focus on the issues that are related to families. In 1983, the Commission for Social Development urged the United Nations Secretary-General, in a resolution, to raise awareness among policymakers and the general public about the needs and issues confronting families.
In 1993, the General Assembly declared May 15 to be the International Day of Families.