This Article is From Jun 29, 2009

Iran says recount shows election valid


Iranian officials have declared the hotly disputed presidential election to be correct after a partial recount.

State television reports that Guardian Council Secretary Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati presented Minister of the Interior Sadegh Mahsouli a letter on Monday saying the council has approved the election after a recount of 10 percent of the ballots.

Requests for a new election and allegations of voting irregularities have been rejected.

Opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi claims he, not incumbent President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, is the rightful winner of the June 12 election, and has called for a new election.

In an attempt to placate protesters, Iran conducted a partial recount Monday of votes cast in its disputed presidential election, and the hard-line president asked for an investigation into the shooting death of a young woman who has become a potent symbol of the Opposition's struggle.

The regime's standoff with the West over its crackdown on demonstrators sharply escalated Sunday when Iran announced it had detained nine local employees of the British Embassy in Tehran. Both Britain and the European Union condemned what they called "harassment and intimidation."
